The holidays are here, which means Paul Davis Restoration of Northeast DFW is looking forward to any exciting changes that will take place in the New Year. Follow the steps below to improve the energy efficiency in your Northeast DFW home in the coming weeks:

  • Each month, check your furnace filters and clean them as needed. By using high-quality pleated paper filters, you can filter out most allergens and small particulates. With a clean filter, your furnace won’t have to work as hard.
  • If they are not sealed properly, doors and windows can leak a lot of heat. Keep cold air and moisture out by caulking around the exterior. Use a waterproof, flexible, and paintable caulk. Weather stripping is also a good idea, especially for doors.
  • If your fireplace has an open firebox, think about adding glass fireplace doors to prevent heat from escaping up the chimney. Special fireplace blankets are available that cover opening when not in use.
  • Does your home have high ceilings? Ceiling fans aren’t just for summer – use a ceiling fan on a “winter” setting to distribute heat around the room, which will save energy.
  • A programmable thermostat or one of the new “smart” thermostats will help you regulate the temperature, turning up the heat when you’re about to come home and turning it down while no one is home.

Please incorporate some of these tips this winter.Following them will help your Northeast DFW home become more comfortable.